Thursday, November 3, 2011

Assignments November 3, 2011

CEOs need to divide up the parts of the written business plan in the link in previous post. Send me an email with a list of assignments for each of the written business plan.

CFOs had been given their assignments for today. Accounting department should help them complete the assignment so I K and Lilianna can work on the presentation for next week.

Bianca IK and Marcos need to prepare the presentation for tomorrow.

Oh baby and Andrea need to photocopy the Carpe invoices from last year so we can collect from them. They should be in the drawer next to the area where I sit.

Reubén and Marcos should do the creative suite tutorial at the big mac.

COOs should go over the VE tasks from the previous list to make sure that they are completed.

The rest of year will be assigned tasks to write on the written business plan.

I will stay after tomorrow for SAT prep.

Everyone should be prepared to stay on Monday to work on the written business plan we will be staying for a few hours and if we are productive, I will buy food, probably pizza.